The 7-storey Citibank building is organized around a major atrium, one of the largest in Brussels.
Two staircases are important visual elements in the atrium, and are meant to be sued by all
Citibank people to ease communication and meeting points, and to avoid the use of elevators for
inter departmental communication. One notices that the staircases at bath ends of the atrium lobby
are not centrally located. The purpose of this unusual design is to protect the views from the
atrium through the elevator lobby area glass walls onto the city.
Copyright: M. Detiffe et F. de Cugnac
Client: Bernheim-Outremer s.a.
Address: Boulevard de la Plaine, 09 1050 Ixelles 1050 Ixelles Belgique
Study: 1996 - 1997
Construction: 1998 - 1999
Area: 23.800 m²